The First Step/Fall/Recovery

I have always wondered about doing a blog. This is my first attempt at one, and I’m doing it for me. I am fat. Not as big as a lot of people, but I’m afraid I could be one day. I am 220 pounds today. My starting weight was 235. On Christmas 2015 I got a very nice leather belt. It was a dark brown with a nice design etched into it. In my household if you get a piece of clothing on Christmas/birthdays you have to model it in front of everyone. I knew I had gained weight, but the thought of it not fitting never crossed my mind. I got up to put it on, and it didn’t get around my waist.

I started right away at trying to get healthier. I cut out snacking and caffeine. It was a battle for the first two weeks or so. Every moment was a constant battle in my mind of ‘should I eat that?’, or ‘maybe I’ll cheat a meal’. I forced myself to walk past all those temptations, and it slowly got easier. Eventually I got my weight down to under 210, then things went backwards. I fell into old habits, and kept telling myself that I would start again tomorrow. Well as you probably guessed I never did. Lately at work I’ve noticed my pants tight around my waist again. I checked my weight, and I was over 220 again. It really hurt me inside seeing that, but I knew I did nothing to stop it. That was about a week ago. It has not been as easy getting into the correct mindset of being healthier, but I’m hoping this will help. I will also be posting random thoughts every once in a while. I hope to inspire others with the way I’m working on changing my life!

4 thoughts on “The First Step/Fall/Recovery

  1. Oh Robert! I’m from India, and I found this interesting and also funny. Interesting because all of us,every being is facing some or the other challenges and some fail some don’t. But yes, only the brave keep on trying. I’m facing a similar problem but the difference is just that I’m 17 and i weigh 99pounds.. I’m nowhere near my proper BMI and trust me when I say I;ve been trying to get better since the last 4years. It hasn’t been easy for me. It’s vice versa to yours but still. You’ve opened up now, you started a blog, you write well, something of your changes tells me you’ll get better! Also when I say better I mean obviously more awesome than you are now! 😀


  2. I totally get that. I ballooned up to the most I’ve ever weighed (pretty close to an obese BMI 😦 ) this past month, and it’s terrible. It never feels good to fight the battle of losing weight and getting healthier. It can feel like torture, but keep it up!


  3. Congratulations on starting your health journey! It’s normal to take a couple backward steps every once and a while. Don’t get discouraged. Stick with it! Eventually what feels difficult now will become healthy habits that will last your whole life. Good luck!


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